
Find below an overview of some of the data-sets i have used and gained experience as a data scientist.1

Geo Spatial Data Experience

  • Digital Elevation model of South Africa

    • The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)

    • Extracted and used to evaluate various temperature interpolation models for Eskom Transmission losses. (Eskom Research)

      • Including Kriging, IDW and MLR
  • Spatial LSM of South Africa

  • Electrical distribution network lines spatial layers.

  • Eskom SPOT5 building count

Weather Models

  • GFS Global Circulation Model

    • Hourly week ahead forecast of a stack of meteorological weather parameters.
  • ERA5 Reanalysis Data

    • Hourly historic wind speed a wind turbine hub level.
  • Climate Change Models

    • Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP)

Time Series Data

  • Historic Southern African Power Pool Data

    • DAM (Day Ahead Market) Price/Volume

    • Weekly Forward Market Price/Volume

  • Hourly Integrated Electricity Metering Data (MV90)

Long Term Planning Data

  • SAPP pool plan data

  • South African IRP5


  1. This page was created by me with Quarto↩︎